Full Name
Dan Crosby
Job Title
Legend Energy Advisors
Speaker Bio
Dan is the CEO of Legend Energy Advisors Inc. (Legend) and has 15+ years of experience across all North American energy and environmental markets. He currently leads major energy infrastructure projects in power and natural gas transmission as well as traditional and renewable onsite power generation. Dan’s experience in energy intensity, market volatility, and sustainability spans across most industry sectors including data centers, oil & gas, heavy industrial, manufacturing, food service, mining, technology, consumer, and more. Dan and Legend enable companies to wholistically manage their energy and environmental risk. After forming Legend in 2014, he designed and created the LegendAnalytics® platform in-house from the ground up. LegendAnalytics® provides clients with their energy usage and environmental footprint in real-time, empowering them to profitably reach sustainability goals. Legend’s innovative technology solutions are empowering companies to profitably navigate the energy transition.
Dan Crosby